Ninjago Birthday Party

Calling All Ninjas

A slight deviant from the usual post but Elias’ 6th birthday party turned out to be a “build” of sorts for Mommy and a mini build was involved! He hasn’t had a real birthday party since his first (which was moreso for parents, ha) so just wanted to share some snippets and event details…

Sent a digital invitation (paperless strong!) and created a link to it on his personal website.

On the menu:


We made these food tents but it turned out to be super windy on that day so we actually had to tape down the labels. Oh well, kindergartners don’t care, right?

The wind also affected the table covers so we kinda just stopped fooling with them after awhile. Very minimal decorations (as in almost zilch besides Ninjago plates, Ninjago table cover (that kept flailing), Lego platters and napkins) — we had considered balloons with Ninjago faces but the city’s Parks and Rec doesn’t allow them as they didn’t want them floating into the water and possibly harming animals.

After some food and free play, we assembled them for a 2-part ninja challenge that would deem them worthy to participate in the Ninjago Lego build. 🙂 The first charge involved the practice of Ninja star throwing.


Shoutout to Daddy for folding like 30 of these — they also got to keep them after the game. Loved the origami paper and the masks were just too funny on the kids. To play the part, gotta look the part, right?

The second task called for chopsticks — and picking up tiny origami folded stars (saved “confetti” from Mommy & Daddy’s wedding) from one cup to another.

After passing the ninja challenge, it was time for the mini build. We thought a boat would be appropriate since the party was held in Mission Bay and everyone quickly started intently building.

With a bit of collaboration, adult help and flying tiny parts, all boats were complete! How it turned out:

Then it was cake time!


The boat appeared in several cake photos. 🙂



The cake wasn’t quite as elaborate as his multi-tiered Camp Elias themed 1st birthday party as we thought we’d keep it simpler this time around. We ordered it from a particular grocery store recommended by local moms with a custom edible photo printed on it and then enhanced it ourselves with this very cool Ninjago cake scene set (also edible — made with wafer paper!). The wind was, again, not in our favor and kept blowing the background piece over to the point that it just stood pretty much curved over. Sigh.


Favors consisted of brick/block boxes with printed Ninjago faces affixed, Ninjago lollipops that we made, custom designed miniature candy bars, connectable brick erasers and stackable pencil sharpeners.


Close-up of the chocolate bars:

Wrapper design:

Mommy and son had fun assembling them:

Lastly, post-party we e-mailed personalized thank you cards to each guest that looked similar to the invite. (In the blank area was a custom message).


Thanks to everyone that celebrated with us and looking forward to the year ahead (sketches, builds and more!).

PS: If there is interest in b-day party files/graphics, please contact us.